5 Ways to help Change the World!

My newsfeed is constantly showing me videos of amazing architecture that is eco friendly and I look on with envy. Houses that follow the sun, skylights that open up in to balconies, a lady in the woods growing all her own food and making her own clothes, recycled glass bottle walls ... the ideas and inspiration are endless. Then I come down to earth and realise my home is already built. I don't have the resources or opportunity to shoot my waste in to space and help save the planet! Or do I ....
I've recently moved from my own home that I designed, to a rental. Huge change and a massive downsize in terms of space. I now have no green space. I'm still up for the challenge of making this townhouse work, and do my best to tread lightly on this planet.
So what are my options? Lets break it down...
No matter how many people on IG can fit 12 months worth of their plastics into one glass jar, the reality is most of us cant. I do think settling unrealistic goals derail all good intentions you might start off with. So ...
1. Set realistic goals and start small
Useful resources that could help -
2. Minimise your Stuff - Sell your pre loved toys/ furniture that you no longer need.
3. Waste disposal
While we always try to reduce the stuff we buy - we need to be conscious of how we dispose of our waste. Any household should have at least 4 bins:
1. Recycling - If you are really keen you could separate this out to cans, bottles etc and get some money back.
2. Compost bin for all your food scraps. So many options available from places like Bunnings
3. Soft plastics bin - disposed at any Coles or Woolworths store.
4. General waste bin - Anything that cant be disposed of any other way will need to go in to landfill :(
4. If you have the time and are feeling creative -
5. Cook from scratch
I'm not too crash hot in the kitchen and this is one area I would love to improve on but anything you can buy and cook that doesn't come already packaged would definitely be a good thing!
Guess the footnote to this story is - lets all just try and do better!